For her, for him, for you, for me.
Steel, welding, acryl paint.
Moscow, 2021.
The October 7, 2021 was a 15 years’ anniversary since Anna’s murder. She was murdered in 2006 at the door of her house at Lesnaya Street, Moscow. The killer made four shots, with the last one to her head.
Six people were convicted in this crime – two direct perpetrators and four intermediaries. The instigators have never been found. According to the 78th article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a person is exempted from the liability in 15 years from the date of a crime including premeditated murder. The searching of the murderers were officially closed the day before the project’s event. Those guilty in that contract killing and the executors have gone unpunished.
In 2021, obstruction of journalists’ work rarely takes such radical forms as a murder or physical threats. However, the scale of other, «softer» forms of pressure, such as recognition as a foreign agent, criminal prosecution, searches and threats, increases every day. Time will show whether such actions, many of which go under Article 144 of the Criminal Code «Interference in the legitimate professional activities of journalists», will go unpunished. The art-works were located near the Politkovskaya’s home, by the “Novaya Gazeta” newspaper office and the office of «TV Rain» Channel, recently classified as a foreign agent, and at random places around Moscow.